On The Keep going Train On A Blustery Day, The Spot I Got Down To Look for Help Was An Automated Station. I Capitulated To The Freezing Cold And Wound up Going through The Night With A Debased Man… Karen Yuzuriha – Shwesapi .PPPE133
It was a moment when I got on the last train and felt relieved. Karen, who became the target of Chikan, is forced to squirt in an unmanned car in vain resistance! It will be even inserted! The place where I jumped down to ask for help was an unmanned station… Even if I run away in despair, I will catch up and get fucked again! The despicable semen that warms the wet and frozen body in the rain is cummed many times, and while feeling the heat of the sperm directly, Karen’s feelings change. “Maybe I like this person…” A distorted relationship where pure love could have been possible if the encounter was different.